Tzipi Livni

Tzipi Livni

    Tzipi Livni
    Foreign Minister of Israel 2006-2009
      Tzipi Livni was born in Israel in 1958. She served as an officer in the IDF, and later in the Mossad.

    A lawyer by profession, Livni received her law degree from Bar-Ilan University, and practiced law in a private firm for ten years before entering public life.  Her fields of specialization included commercial law, constitutional law and real estate law.   

    In 1999, Mrs. Livni was first elected to the Knesset, and served as a member of the Constitution, Law and Justice Committee, and the Committee on the Status of Women. She also served as the chairperson of the subcommittee responsible for legislation of the Prevention of Money Laundering Law. 

    In 2001, Mrs. Livni was appointed Minister in the 29th Government and held the Regional Cooperation and Agriculture Portfolios. In the 30th Government, established in 2003, she held the following portfolios:  Immigrant Absorption, Housing and Construction, Justice and Foreign Affairs.

    Prior to her election to the Knesset, Livni served as Director General of the Government Companies Authority from 1996. In this capacity, she was in charge of the privatization of government corporations and monopolies.

    Livni was a member of the Likud Party until the end of 2005, when she, together with other prominent political figures in Israel, formed the Kadima Party. In September 2008 she was elected chairman of Kadima.

    In May 2006 Tzipi Livni was appointed Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs in the 31st Government of Israel, serving until March 2009. She also served as Minister of Justice from November 2006 until February 2007. With the establishment of the Netanyahu government on March 31, 2009, Livni became the head of the opposition, until her resignation from the Knesset in May 2012.

    She is married and the mother of two children.